Frequent questions
What's the file size of Castlevania Chronicles II - Simon's Quest?
Castlevania Chronicles II - Simon's Quest takes up about 550 MB and doesn't require installation, so it won't take up additional space once installed. The game consists only of an executable (.EXE) that you can start playing just by double-clicking.
Is Castlevania Chronicles II - Simon's Quest safe?
Yes, Castlevania Chronicles II - Simon's Quest is safe. It's true that the VirusTotal report for the game shows several positives, but the community feedback has been entirely positive since its release, which suggests that these are false positives.
Is Castlevania Chronicles II - Simon's Quest free?
Yes, Castlevania Chronicles II - Simon's Quest is free, as usual with most fan games. Its author, Warmachine, has released both the game and the soundtrack completely free of charge, as a tribute to the saga and a gift to fans.
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